
On June 23rd, (Thursday) Creek and River Co., Ltd, will hold the seminar “Pass your next Japanese language interview!” For non-Japanese speakers looking for a job in Japan.

One of the biggest challenges to getting a job in Japan is to pass the interview. There are many actions and customs very specific to the job selection process in Japan and then there is giving clear answers in correct Japanese! Many highly qualified candidates fail this process because of their inability to convey their ability during the interview process.

In this seminar we will look at some key points of how to best prepare for a job interview. We will hear from an industry veteran who has helped 100’s of Japanese prepare for their interview and coach them to success.



Shinya Toyoda
Graduated from Tokyo Foreign Language University.
Having studied linguistics in college, he was interested in becoming a Japanese teacher. He passed the Japanese Language Education Proficiency Test in 2017, completed the Japanese language teacher training course in 2018, and started his career as a Japanese language teacher at a Japanese language school in Tokyo.

豊田 真也(とよだ しんや)氏

He is in charge of international student classes at Japanese language schools, and is in charge of classes at all levels from beginner to advanced.
He not only teaches Japanese, but is also involved in admission guidance, sending many international students to vocational schools, universities, and graduate schools.
In addition to working at a Japanese language school, he has also become involved in Japanese language training at a major human resources company.
Providing interview guidance and career support.

From June 2019, he has been in charge of Japanese language training class for IT engineers at Creek & River.
He has developed business Japanese training for engineers of various nationalities such as South Korea, Vietnam, Mexico, Portugal and the USA among others.

Outline of the event

Date and time 2022/6/23(THU) 19:00~20:00
Schedule 19:00~19:05 Creek and River Co., Ltd Introduction
19:05~19:50 Presentation by Toyoda Shinya
19:50~20:00 Q&A
Place Zoom
Speakers Shinya Toyoda 豊田 真也氏
Participants For non-Japanese speakers looking for a job in Japan.
Entry fee free
Capacity 100 people
Organizer CREEK & RIVER Co., Ltd.
Application deadline 2022/6/23(THU) 19:00



Write a Better Japanese Language Resume!
Date and time:2022/7/21(THU) 19:00~20:00
Application deadline:2022/7/21(THU) 19:00


